Improving Farmer Livelihoods: JJ Agro Growers Limited and their digitalization journey with eProd, powered by Rabo Foundation

Agriculture plays an important role in sustaining millions of livelihoods across Africa, particularly for smallholder farmers who depend on it for income, food security, and overall well-being. However, challenges such as climate variability, market fluctuations, and limited access to resources often impact farmers’ lives. JJ Agro Growers Limited, a family-owned agricultural company based in Tanzania, …

EKiBBO Farming Services and their digitalization journey with eProd, powered by Rabo Foundation

Uganda’s economy heavily relies on farming, with over 80% of the population engaged in the agricultural sector. The country boasts fertile land capable of feeding millions of people, yet only a small portion is currently utilized. This underutilization represents a significant opportunity for agricultural expansion and productivity. Despite its potential, Uganda’s farming faces challenges like …