GSMA FFW 2022-6-May 18, 20221548 (1)


We Are Structuring Unstructured Markets

Jan Willem Van Casteren presentation at GSMA AgriTech BootCamp

We Are Structuring Unstructured Markets

Almut van Casteren at Brown's cheese

We Are Structuring Unstructured Markets

Almut van Casteren and Paloma Fernandez from Cereals Millers Association

We Are Structuring Unstructured Markets

Jan Willem Van Casteren presentation

We Are Structuring Unstructured Markets

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Meet the Founders

Featured on  MYB by Jody:10th July 2021

Featured on MYB by Jody:8th June 2022

eProd is currently seeking for Series A investment to expand its geographical footprint as well as system functionalities. Are you interested?
Please contact for more information.

Click on the thumbnails below to view some of our partnerships.