aWhere Pilot Project

eProd Solutions Limited would like to invite you to participate in the pilot of the aWhere project (Phase I). In the month of April 2017, eProd Solutions Limited entered into a strategic partnership with aWhere, a global agricultural intelligence company that collects weather data from satellites and local ground-based weather stations. The initial phase of …

Where there is no internet…

Communication plays a key role in agriculture. Your operations with small-scale producers require resilient and flexible technology that is capable of supporting your staff located across geographically-dispersed production areas. The Internet has become essential for communication, but what if the internet is too slow or absent?  Digital two-way radio can offer a solution for data …

eProd goes Bluetooth…

eProd Solutions has introduced wireless Bluetooth weighing scales and printers. The physical weighing and paperwork involved at the point of produce collection pose a challenge to the collection team. The field officers and collection teams have typically little time to weigh and record the deliveries made and at the same time prepare delivery confirmations. “Now …

New technologies in the oldest trade: Frankincense and Myrrh

For over 5,000 years frankincense has been sourced from the Horn of Africa and traded through the Arabian Peninsula all over the world. The premium markets, such as the European Union is becoming more and more demanding. At the same time, global traders would like to assure the sustainable supply of gums and resins from …

New release of the mobile eProd application

New release – We are proud to announce the release of a new release of the eProd mobile application in October. Besides being able to view farmer profiles, take GPS coordinates and manage collection including traceability,  you can now also manage field activities on the mobile application.  As an eProd user, you can download the …

A robust mobile application deserves a rugged mobile phone

How many phones have you lost already because of water or dropping them? CAT and eProd Solutions partner to ensure that you fully benefit from the range of features that the eProd mobile application offers. CAT provides support, local repairs, and maintenance. The company has just released three new models that meet the highest technical and …